Episode 31 – The Delights and Duds of DC TV


Hello once again PALS fans its a delight to be back and talking about all the new things that DC comics is giving us. DC is not taking Marvels conquering of media lightly and gave us a lot of stuff to show they are no slouch. But then again, we did have the Arrow finale this week, sooooo sit back and listen to us love on some of DC and discuss our disgust about some others.

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PALS Podcasts TV – Episode 6

PALS Podcasts TV

An episode I apparently forgot to upload, this chronicles some of the TV moments we had before the Flash went on break, again, and Arrow was still going. Just more TV reviews for you to listen in on, as I upload this weeks new episode as well!

Download Episode 6 of PALS Podcasts TV!

Don’t forget you can find us on Stitcher on your mobile device or web browser, just click here

And now on iTunes here

PALS Podcasts TV – Ep. 5 – Mid-Season Premieres, and then some

PALS Podcasts TV

Ahhhhh, our TV Shows are back from their midseason breaks and we dive right into the first 2 weeks now that we’ve all caught up on them. Spoilers for Episodes 10 and 11 of Flash and Arrow, Episodes 11 through 13 for Gotham, and Episodes 9 and 10 for Constantine. You’ve been warned, mate. Now listen to our thoughts on our shows, it’s Episode 5 of PALS Podcasts TV!

Download Episode 5 of PALS Podcasts TV!

Don’t forget you can find us on Stitcher on your mobile device or web browser, just click here

And now on iTunes here

PALS Podcasts TV – Ep. 4 – A Crossover for the Ages


Sooooo….I know it’s been a while since we last posted, and thats totally my fault. The holidays, the new year, and a new job (along with a small computer hiccup) made me miss out on posting our last 2 episodes of 2014 and we’re already a week into 2015! So, tonight I’ve uploaded 2 episodes, one standard PALS Podcast and one PALS Podcasts TV episode. I’m also making a commitment, to the rest of the team and you, the listeners, a New Year’s resolution, if you will, to upload our latest episodes on Sundays throughout 2015. If for some reason we don’t record an episode, I’ll put a post up so you don’t think we just forgot.  -Lino

That being said…

We revisit our TV Podcast to sum up the midseason finales of Flash, Arrow, Gotham, and Constantine. We even give you a grade on each one as they currently stand. It’s been a great start to the comic TV landscape so listen to what we thought, especially the Flash and Arrow crossover episodes, since we absolutely loved those episodes. Check out Episode 4 of PALS Podcasts TV.

Side note – you may have noticed very little Doctor Who talk. we held back because our next episode will be a recap of season 8, the 12th Doctor, and the Christmas Special.

Download Episode 4 of PALS Podcasts TV!

Don’t forget you can find us on Stitcher on your mobile device or web browser, just click here

And now on iTunes here