Episode 21 – Secret Wars


Here we are again, discussing all kinds of casting news this week, from X-Men Apocalypse to Suicide Squad. We have a quick little Amiibo moment, but todays main topic is Marvel’s Secret War announcement. The whole Marvel universe is changing as we know it, and we discuss our thoughts on what this announcement means, what we think about this new Battleworld, and how we feel about how this affects current books on the stands. Then, we (kinda) pitch a few movie ideas of what we would like to see before closing out the show. So listen up, it’s Episode 21 of PALS Podcasts!

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Episode 4 – Summer Movies 2014

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We take a moment to reflect on Robin Williams given recent news. Our favorite characters, moments and movies as we say good bye to a legend.


Summer. A time for movies in all shapes and sizes, and usually the biggest ones, and we went and saw a whole lot of them. Was the Summer of 2014 a good year for movies? Was it a Marvel-ous year, or a bust? Listen to us rank each of the major releases, and hear some of our thoughts on what we liked, what was awesome, and what might not have really worked for us.

Here are the movies, in no particular order:

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Captain America
How To Train Your Dragon 2
X-Men: Days of Future Past
Amazing Spider-Man 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
22 Jump Street
The Fault in Our Stars
Edge of Tomorrow
Guardians of the Galaxy
Transformers: Age of Extinction

Download Episode 4