Episode 3.5 – Guardians of the Galaxy Part 2, SPOILERS!

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You’ve been warned. Spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy and even more details on what we thought, what it means for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is this the funniest movie of the year so far?
Find out now and listen to part 2 of our Guardians of the Galaxy review…again…with SPOILERS!! (Don’t say I didn’t warn you..)

Download Episode 3.5

Episode 3 – Guardians of the Galaxy review, Spoiler Free


What did we think of Guardians of the Galaxy before we went to see it? What did we think after we saw it? How about a review? Join us for our first movie review on one of the biggest releases of the year. Then come back for Episode 3.5 for lots of spoiler talk and more details on Guardians of the Galaxy!!

Download Episode 3